This shows that sterichindrance strongly attenuates BC-sorbate interactions for a nonplanar PCB.
The incorporation into oligonucleotides was hampered by sterichindrance and formation of a cyclic phosphate.
PLL is a known junctional charge modifier that may be adding sterichindrance to the tight junctions.
Our results propose that the glucuronidation of propofol and its analogs may not be explained by only a sterichindrance.
We have found that partial oxidation can be used to tightly regulate the sterichindrance and stiffness of the polyguluronate backbone.
These reconstructions reveal how sterichindrance and molecular mimicry are used to prevent both premature folding states and binding of later factors.
Due to sterichindrance, pcPNAs are unable to form pcPNA-pcPNA duplexes but can bind to complementary DNA sequences via double duplex-invasion complexes.
We hypothesized that this extra amino acid residue could induce sterichindrance and dramatically reduce recognition of the target by Amm VIII.
While complementary in hydrogen bonding groups, nA and sU cannot form a stable base pair due to sterichindrance, and are thus pseudo-complementary.
Furthermore, the creation of a space between the bindable-like and tight pairs was required for the central stalk to rotate without sterichindrance.
Structural analysis indicates that FKBP12-Rapamycin may generate sterichindrance for substrate entry to the catalytic cavity of mTORC1.
The alkyl group at the 6 position showed a higher Km for glucuronidation by a sterichindrance in the human and rat microsomes.
This is likely the result of enlargement of the unusually narrow pore of the CRAC channel, thus relieving sterichindrance for Cs(+) permeation.
Sterichindrance prohibited the digestion of the peptide moiety attached to the glycan.
These interactions, together with different stacking energies and sterichindrances, explain the preference for a particular junction stacked conformer.
QD-FISH probes penetrate both intact interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes and showed good targeting of dense chromatin domains with minimal sterichindrances.