Ainda não temos significados para "stifle sob".
1In another age, their stifled sobs would have been a full-throated keening.
2But the sound of stifled sobs causes him to turn his head.
3There was another silence, broken only by the stifled sobs of Derues.
4I stopped, and distinguished two or three dull cries, like stifled sobs.
5Mrs. Stavros made a gurgling sound that was like a stifled sob.
6She knelt over her father's prostrate form, and said amid stifling sobs,-
7Hushed voices and stifled sobs alone were heard in the house of death.
8Whatever she said next was cut short by a stifled sob.
9The sound of stifled sobs caused several to turn their heads.
10With a stifled sob, he rose and ran up the path towards her.
11His hand began to tremble and a stifled sob broke from his lips.
12Tears smart into her eyes, stifled sobs burst from her lips.
13What's there to be nervous about? Rose's answer was stifled sobbing.
14Then with a stifled sob she turned and buried her face in the pillows.
15It was the sound of a stifled sob, and the mother looked up anxiously.
16I heard nothing but the half- stifled sobs of the girl.