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Significados de stolen millions em inglês
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Uso de stolen millions em inglês
At the same time, he was using these stolenmillions to corner the gold supply.
They had forgotten he was the elf who had stolenmillions from the LEP's own weapons' budget.
The rascal has made a good bargain in buying what he has bought with his stolenmillions.
And so Montague went to the dinner, and saw deeper yet into the history of the stolenmillions.
Had she covered up wrongdoing in the deaths of Americans at Benghazi, stolenmillions, or was she, in fact, Beelzebub?
The guards refused to listen to his tale of stolenmillions, and he accused them of being in the plot.
I wanted to offer him money; but he, who had stolenmillions, refused to accept money from a man without a shadow.
Trump has long complained that China has stolenmillions of American jobs and intellectual property, charges the Chinese government has rejected as baseless.
Earlier this month, South Korean government officials said that North Korean hackers had stolenmillions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from the country last year.
Inside was a 30-page document falsely claiming Watsa was a fraudster who had stolenmillions from the Catholic Church and was involved in sado-masochistic orgies.
"Someone has stolenmillions of dollars from us and you want to argue about where the men should shit?"