Ainda não temos significados para "stop the stampede".
1Alone, the blacks would never have been able to stop the stampede.
2Although the burgomaster had issued a proclamation advising the people to remain calm-indoors ,ifpossible-nothingcould stop the stampede.
3But we're going to take you two boys to the ranch house, and then we'll try to stop the stampede.
4Bakahenzie knew that they were like a herd of goats and that to stop the stampede he must adopt desperate measures.
5Up 2-0, Pat Jarvis couldn't stop the stampede.
6However, the cowboys came back about fifteen minutes later, saying they had stopped the stampede and turned the cattle back where they belonged.
7It was true that the hunters had succeeded in stopping the stampede, and once more the huge beasts were going in the right direction.
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