Single accessible storage area with a single file system, typically (though not necessarily) resident on a single partition of a drive; differs from a partition.
Mounting a volume is the process by which the system establishes a logical connection to a storagevolume.
Now, digital storage and media servers rule and data access speeds, backups, and storagevolume are the important factors.
Looking at the three factors I mentioned above, data access speeds, backups, and storagevolume, let's start with data access speeds.
That storagevolume will provide a huge cushion to help meet any spikes in demand or storm-related disruptions in supply this year.
While this doesn't require another Mac, it does require that you temporarily copy the user's home folder to another "backup" storagevolume.
To maintain compatibility with other operating systems and provide advanced features for newer Mac systems, Mac OS X supports a variety of storagevolume formats.
However, the company's storagevolumes are high, he said.
Trade and shipping sources have pegged January floating storagevolumes at between 70-90 million barrels.
Storagevolumes ended the winter about 20 percent below those of 2007 and about 4 percent below the five-year average, Mortensen said.