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Meanings of strangler fig in inglês
A strangler tree native to southern Florida and West Indies; begins as an epiphyte eventually developing many thick aerial roots and covering enormous areas.
Two countries have placed a stranglerfig on their coats of arms.
And my sisters of the stranglerfig tree turned bad men into rabbits.
One of the trunks from the stranglerfig suddenly shifted, moved to block Skylan's way.
The stranglerfig tree vented its rage on him.
The druids had not turned Skylan's men into rabbits or ordered the stranglerfig to attack.
What the locals called a stranglerfig.
He kept walking and was soon lost among the trunks of the tree known as the stranglerfig.
Erected by conservation group Animo, architecturally astounding treehouses straddle the giant trunks of stranglerfig trees and embrace breath-taking views.
Torches flickered in the darkness, hundreds of them, winding through the far-flung limbs of the stranglerfig, heading in their direction.
The long, gauzy strands of Spanish moss and stranglerfig that wrap themselves in those trees could be three to ten years.
They took a fancy to the stranglerfigs and brought back a sapling.
Stranglerfigs grow only in those lands where summer is endless.
He saw many stranglerfigs growing along the island's coast, a kind called Ficus citrifolia.
And while most plants bury their roots underground, the stranglerfigs and their kin show them off.
But the stranglerfigs had reached into human minds long before these European explorers took to the seas.
"The tree is called a stranglerfig," said the druid.