Examples for "strings"
Examples for "strings"
1Many believe he is actually the one pulling the strings in government.
2She didn't know, of course, that my offer came with strings attached.
3Upon second thought, however, she opens her purse-strings and delivers the specie.
4Congress holds the federal purse strings and seldom approves presidents' budget plans.
5If cleaning the house doesn't work, try hanging garlic up on strings.
1Peter Hoar reviews last Saturday night's one off NZ concert by touring Italian Baroque string ensemble.
2A few discordant musical notes announced that the string ensemble in the main salon was also getting ready.
3The mellow-toned viola is often overshadowed in a string ensemble - but not this week, as Wellington to hosts the 2017 International Viola Congress.
4A small string ensemble played an instrumental arrangement of the Beatles' "Let It Be" as everyone rose from their chairs and started to mingle.
5Redefine Properties proudly sponsored the tour of the UK for the young and talented musicians of The Buskaid Soweto String Ensemble in July.
1None of these techniques are new to modernist writing for string orchestra.
2John Ritchie shows his consummate craft in this charming work for string orchestra.
3From some concealed place came the music of a string orchestra.
4It's a rhythm section, five singers and a string orchestra.
5During the war, he led a string orchestra which gave camp concerts for soldiers in training.
6The notes of the organ died away, the string orchestra began to take up the melody.
7A string orchestra played softly in an alcove.
8A small string orchestra played as a slideshow displayed pictures of the dead in happier times.
9There are no wind instruments in the orchestration, just the soloist plus string orchestra, harp and piano.
10There was a large private dining-room, elaborately decorated, with a string orchestra concealed in a bower of plants.
11Recorded over two days with a 16-piece string orchestra, World Galaxy features Alice playing piano, harp and organ.
12There were more surprises, including a piece composed in 2007 for string orchestra, Sound Fields, of astonishing simplicity.
13The concert opens with a slice of New Zealand and a gorgeous work for string orchestra by John Ritchie.
14A small string orchestra performing.
15A Serenade for string orchestra (op.
16And at the climax, there are more frantic articulations coming from the string orchestra at work behind our familiar Radiohead players.
Translations for string orchestra