Short-styled oxlip, by pollen of short- styledprimrose: 34 flowers fertilised, produced two capsules, containing 5 and 12 seeds.
Purple- and yellow-flowered illegitimate long- styled plants, LEGITIMATELY fertilised with pollen from the common short- styledprimrose: 26: 18: 36.4: 60: 9.
Purple- and yellow-flowered illegitimate long- styled plants, ILLEGITIMATELY fertilised with pollen from the common long- styledprimrose: 72: 39: 31.4: 62: 3.
Long-styled oxlip, by pollen of short- styledprimrose: 5 flowers fertilised, produced five capsules, containing 26, 32, 23, 28, and 34 seeds.
Long-styled oxlip, by pollen of long- styledprimrose: 11 flowers fertilised, produced four capsules, containing 10, 7, 5, and 6 wretched seeds.
Short-styled oxlip, by pollen of long- styledprimrose: 26 flowers fertilised, produced six capsules, containing 16, 20, 5, 10, 19, and 24 seeds.