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Significados de subjective mind em inglês
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Uso de subjective mind em inglês
In other words, they give us subjectivemind but never objective mind.
The objective mind is normally unconscious of the content of the subjectivemind.
The subjectivemind stores up and only gives out when the objective mind sleeps.
An entranced psychic is dominated exclusively by her subjectivemind, and reason is in abeyance.
The well established facts of mental law show conclusively that subjectivemind argues only deductively.
Was the message superinduced through the energies and activities of the waking mind on the subjectivemind?
With the physical mind we only see physical objects, with the subjectivemind we see only subjective objects.
For these suggest the idea of a cure to the subjectivemind, which controls the bodily functions and conditions.
This is what the purely subjectivemind is ever doing, and when it is carried too far it is insanity.
According to the conclusion we have reached, every subjectivemind in the universe, when it is rhythmically energizing, attains the same truth.
A sheep might gaze at you without transmitting a warning through your subjectivemind, because you are in no danger from a sheep.
The reader will have to interpret dreams of this character by the influences surrounding him, and by the experiences stored away in his subjectivemind.
I suppose I must admit that it is merely the memory of the subjectivemind, a case of dual personality brought on by hyper-æsthetic conditions.
But she is also in the condition which enables her to read the subjectiveminds of others.
And the Feminine Principle of Mind corresponds to the so-called SubjectiveMind; Sub-conscious Mind; Involuntary Mind; Passive Mind, etc.
"You mean," she said evenly, "the terrible silence of your big spaces keys up the subjectivemind.