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Significados de sue the firm em inglês
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Uso de sue the firm em inglês
On May 15, the Supreme Court ruled by majority that the woman could not suethefirm.
It said it had faced "a constant barrage" of lawyers advertising for clients to suethefirm.
He said he would suethefirm and hire a "prestigious" auditor to show the company's accounts were accurate.
Also, the terms of the settlement with the SEC could make it a bit harder for private investors to suethefirm.
Innkeepers then suedthefirms, and a trial begins in bankruptcy court next week.
The SEC forcing firms to admit wrongdoing could help investors suethefirms as well, he said.
Disney, for example, has invested in Sonicblue, even though it is also one of the outfits suingthefirm.
A former director of the private clients' division of Davy Stockbrokers is suingthefirm, claiming breach of contract.
Wolfe is suingthefirm for malpractice, alleging that it failed to act on her harassment claim before time ran out.
Bank executives had protested that confidential materials handed to the agency could be obtained by independent consumer advocates or groups trying to suethefirms.
The U.S. Justice Department suedthefirm in February 2013, claiming more than $5 billion in losses from S&P-rated securities during the 2007-2009 financial crisis.