A man who courts a woman.
Someone who petitions a court for redress of a grievance or recovery of a right.
Examples for "suitor"
Examples for "suitor"
1Tredwell refused to accept the young medical student as a serious suitor.
2Real Madrid, another possible suitor, have yet to make contact with Roma.
3But many doubt that Inmet will rise to the rival suitor's challenge.
4It also said had also rejected a proposal from another suitor, Redrow.
5I can't believe some eligible suitor didn't grab you off the market.
1But when she was least expecting it, the wooer came to her.
2D'Rubiera was an impatient and peremptory wooer, and he won the day.
3The smiles at once broke loose and revelled over her wooer's face.
4Your aunt, who is so good to me, is a fierce wooer.
5By-and-by he also held Lauzun, the adventurous wooer of la Grande Mademoiselle.
1Half the forfeiture was to go to the suer.
2This enabled my master to breathe a little easier, and to feel that Mr. Cray was not his pur- suer after all.