Device for lighting fires.
Examples for "match"
Examples for "match"
1We've come a long way obviously since the Armagh match last year.
2What he said Speaking after the match de Villiers said: Extremely happy.
3However, they said they did get good striations for a future match.
4I have heard people say this is the 'return match', he said.
5It was great match, and I think good start of this week.
1The company said the new system matches ads to relevant programming segments.
2She's had some really good, strong matches in the past few months.
3He played matches without training and that's not easy, the Italian said.
4Previous examples of matches being replayed go back a number of years.
5No decision has yet been made on future Sunwolves matches in Asia.
1A far-off form, tall, windswept, framed by a forest of matchstick trees.
2He breaks his matchstick in half and flips it onto the table.
3Cut both apples into matchstick-sized strips and place in a large bowl.
4It looks like a matchstick bridge, thin and spindly above the trees.
5He made a matchstick house out of the winnings, with too much concentration.
1He relit the lamp with a sulfur match and climbed back out of bed.
2The first boy took a sulfur match, stuck it between his protruding front teeth, and lit it.
3There was not, for example, a single sulfur match on the whole earth except those in the runaway skyscraper.
4Jonas made a second cigarette, drew a sulfur match from the sack, and popped it alight with his thumbnail.
5From the other he brought out three lady-finger firecrackers, a big-banger, and a few sulfur matches.
1Lighting it with a common safety match, he puffed away ecstatically.
2But all the same, that safety match is tormenting me frightfully.
3The so-called safety match of the present time was invented in the year 1855.
4The safety match was invented shortly after the Civil War.
5A hand reached into the pocket of the leather jacket, withdrew a safety match.
1The narrator paused, and relighted his pipe with a foul-smelling sulphur match.
2Only it was a bigger smell than any sulphur match could make.
3He was only scared with that sulphur match when he ran away.
4While the sulphur match burnt blue, Juanita looked indifferently at the printed paper.
5The bluish flame of a sulphur match sputtered, then grew bright.
6He struck a sulphur match and touched its odoriferous flame to his candle.
7He struck a sputtering sulphur match and touched the fuses.
8Then he scratched a sputtering sulphur match on the long-suffering leg of his trousers.
9Having seen the sun, I love a flicker of phosphorus on a sulphur match.
10Paoluccio said nothing to this, but lit his pipe again with a sulphur match.
11She groped, found and lit a sulphur match and lifted the flame to the clock.
12For Bell's light on Shakespeare would be but a sulphur match the more at carnival time.
13I tried another-anold sulphur match, I remember.
14I heard him strike a sulphur match.
15Bob then lighted a sulphur match, the only kind in use at the time, and looked about him.
16I got so that the fumes of a sulphur match seemed like a draught of pure, fresh air.
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Translations for sulphur match