By implication, Porto surpasseven their European Cup-winning line-up of 1987.
He would surpasseven himself, and raise two from death in the same night.
Only Schumacher has won more than the man who could one day surpasseven the German.
It's likely Britain will overtake France's death toll and is on track to surpasseven Italy.
He is soon coming out with another which Mr. Allston thinks will far surpasseven this last.
But certain birds who live on insects surpasseven the hen in the dryness and hardness of their tongues.
The young shoots, from a stem polled the previous season, almost surpasseven the eucalyptus in rapidity of growth.
It is strange, but a common menial can often surpasseven a rebellious general in power of ruffling one.
Thousands of Indians, strong and fair, in countless groupings, seemed, to surpasseven the sky itself in their glittering starry dress.
Global sales of mobile phones exceeded 510 million units in 2003 to surpasseven the most bullish expectations.
For he asserted that the reforming power of the impact theory would surpasseven that of Plate Tectonics in the history of geology.
For Tizzard, meanwhile, it would surpasseven the victory of Thistlecrack in Thursday's World Hurdle as an advertisement for his way of doing things.
Must I plead with that eloquence, which you said would surpasseven his own, or will the pleadings of your own kind heart suffice?
It would surpasseven the accomplishments of his revered ancestor Porce Bludd, who had selflessly sacrificed his fortune to save populations during the Butlerian Jihad.
Meanwhile, in Spain, a great expedition was being prepared to come to America, an expedition which was intended to surpasseven the army of Morillo.
Sciatica, at its most active, cannot be surpassedeven by rheumatic fever.