Ainda não temos significados para "swap stories".
1People are visiting his statue and meeting in local clubs to swap stories.
2At dinner, everyone gathers around communal tables to swap stories over Stavroula's wonderful Greek cooking.
3You two can swap stories like old times, eh?
4The hunters swap stories about what they've seen.
5Whenever the Vietnam-era SEALs gather to swap stories, there is a special reverence for Ed Bowen.
6They swap stories of rains of blood past.
7The club meets at a park in south Jakarta at 7 a.m. to swap stories over breakfast.
8Auctioneers from all over the country gathered in Tralee last weekend to swap stories of the slowdown.
9Bands offered to play for the town and this kept people smiling as they gathered to swap stories.
10We swap stories in the morning.
11The Truth Is Way Out There The quality of evidence doesn't matter when UFO buffs gather to swap stories.
12On Ender's Game she was able to swap stories with Butterfield whose career has had a similar charmed trajectory.
13The store we know is the township vortex where all assemble to " swap stories" and deal out the news.
14In their rangering days, when things were a little slow the boys would sit around and swap stories about Augustus's eating.
15A group of climbers and hikers representing at least four continents gathers at Frey to swap stories over the ritual morning mate tea.
16We share memes, reblog Tumblr posts and swap stories of our first battles - both wins and losses - and Pokemon memories, like this one.
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