He chose to become the leader of Sweden's newest and fastest-growing political party: Piratpartiet, or the Pirate Party.
Uso de swedish pirate party em inglês
At least one dude from the SwedishPirateParty is heading to parliament.
The chief leader writer for The Guardian, on the European Parliament, and the SwedishPirateParty.
Back in 2009, the election of two SwedishPirateParty candidates ensured a huge bump in profile for the Pirate Bay-affiliated group.
The SwedishPirateParty has agreed with Wikileaks to host several new servers and provide the site bandwidth for free, it said on Tuesday.
The SwedishPirateparty managed a paltry 2.2% of the vote in the European parliament elections of 2014.
The ability to stay anonymous and choose anonymity is crucial for creativity and social development, SwedishPirateParty MEP Amelia Andersdotter told Reuters on Friday.