But the CSU does not want to wait and is urging Germany to takeunilateral action.
If necessary, the US will takeunilateral action.
Afghanistan is refusing to let the United States takeunilateral military action even in retaliation against an attack.
As always in this conflict Iraq and the US arrogate to themselves the right to takeunilateral action.
Obama has pushed the Environmental Protection Agency to takeunilateral action if Congress fails to pass a bill.
On Earth, making her preparations, it had seemed enough to have him takeunilateral control of the Ring.
An opposition alliance fell apart but after days of meetings parties began to takeunilateral decisions on the polls.
Obama has also pushed the Environmental Protection Agency to takeunilateral action if Congress fails to pass a bill.
Obama has pushed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to takeunilateral action if Congress fails to pass a bill.
While the EU has wanted to safeguard that scheme after Brexit, Britain wants to takeunilateral control of its waters.
Republicans, who won control of Congress in Nov. 4 elections, have warned Obama not to takeunilateral action on immigration.
The slow progress has prompted some countries to takeunilateral measures as trust among supervisors over banks is still not strong enough.
The China Real Estate Association has requested formal permission from the State Council, or cabinet, for local governments to takeunilateral action.
The Obama administration has said it is committed to working with global partners, so it would be reluctant to takeunilateral steps.
Israel's army chief has privately voiced reservations about Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's proposal to takeunilateral steps if peacemaking with the Palestinians fails.
They argue that Hizbullah has no right to takeunilateral actions which project the country into conflict with its more powerful southern neighbour.