Ainda não temos significados para "technical sergeant".
1As they arrived at the third door he signalled their technical sergeant forward.
2Murphy signalled the technical sergeant forward.
3The first opening was an Air Force E-6, a technical sergeant stationed at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
4Another plaintiff, Ann Yarbrough, an Air Force technical sergeant, showed a reporter black spots spreading across her ceiling in early December.
5After a good deal of thought, Norton had chosen Technical Sergeant Willard Myron.
6The radiologist and the two technical sergeants excused themselves.
7At the American Embassy technical sergeants who were experts in electricity were busily rewiring the whole building.
8'Sir,' the technical sergeant said, 'I'm picking up activity on the electronic-warfare block.
9Once through that open door, they were able to access the site's data, looking specifically for military users like Technical Sergeant James.
10He stepped out and a large, sad-looking Technical Sergeant, with a handful of quarters, flung himself onto the small bench under the phone.
11"Yes," said the technical sergeant, "but you know how it is when a guy is quitting.
12Technical Sergeant Stone gives a group of men a talk, with slides, about Telphinus 4, where they are headed on their tour of duty.
13On 17 April Technical Sergeant Malachai Henry (USAF, reserve) died of a wound received on the covered bridge while defending Fort Repose.
14Technical Sergeant Christopher Smith, 33, could have faced a year in prison and being kicked out of the Air Force with a bad conduct discharge.
15Technical Sergeant James was an Airsoft enthusiast who had decided to order a GR25 SPR- aBB-firingelectric version of the M25 sniper rifle.
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