Another Freedom Party man was keeping an eye on a different telegraphicinstrument.
So interrupted the clicking telegraphicinstrument.
The other made a little gesture of denial, and went across to the tiny temporary shed where the wireless telegraphicinstrument stood.
Meanwhile, as these thoughts coursed through Monte-Cristo's active brain, the telegraphicinstrument went ticking steadily on, but the information he expected was not conveyed.
His speech, in moments of interest, must have suggested to one overhearing him from an adjoining room, for instance, the operation of a telegraphicinstrument.
When two persons are en rapport with each other, they are like two wireless telegraphicinstruments perfectly attuned to each other.
It is applied to purposes of pumping, printing, hoisting, grinding, sawing, turning light machinery, working telegraphicinstruments and sewing-machines, and propelling boats.
The furniture of the "lobby" was scanty- adesk , abookcase ,twochairs, a clock, an alarm-bell, and four telegraphicinstruments comprised it all.
"Hereafter," he clicked, grinning, "an operator will destroy telegraphicinstruments and all material in charge when informed that Morgan has crossed the border.