Computer software used to edit plain text documents.
An editor who prepares text for publication.
Examples for "copyreader"
Examples for "copyreader"
1For a moment he felt himself to be a copyreader again on the New York Enterprise.
2Cleggett-OldClegg, the copyreader-Clegg ,thecommonplace-C.
3The usual copyreader, when he closes his eyes and smiles upon a pleasant inward vision, is thinking of starting a chicken-farm in New Jersey.
4And when the copyreaders come at six, it will be turned over to one of them.
5Failure after failure, his articles thrown away or rewritten by the copyreaders, had prepared him for the blow.
1Thanks also to Laura Lasala, my copy editor for the second edition.
2I had my first job at a newspaper as a copy editor.
3Ask any copy editor who has done the same writer a few times.
4So, God help the copy editor who would change that affective to effective.
5A special thanks to copy editor Heather Sangster for astute and thorough scavenging.
1Sed limits you to the methods you use in a text editor.
2The subeditor, or text editor, will soon tell you if you haven't.
3Lastly, you can create original content with a rich text editor.
4It makes writing formatted text in a plain text editor very easy indeed.
5What will happen to the code I was writing in my text editor?
6Open a text editor and again shrink it to about half your screen.
7If you instead stand firm for the Emacs text editor, check out KeySnail.
8Writing Kit is yet another text editor for the iPad.
9The game window closed, and the text editor started up.
10Caution: puts you in whatever text editor is your default.
11Scribe is a plain- text editor with some neat additions for writing prose in HTML.
12E- text editor's translation: Which part of the world is not filled with our sorrows?
13This is a feature common with Daedalus Touch, another text editor I reviewed this week.
14As I did, I found a text file, which I opened in a text editor.
15Your text editor will preserve this permission if you make subsequent changes to your script.
16Essay is a rich text editor for the iPad.
Translations for text editor