War between the Republicans and the Nationalists in Spain from 1936 to 1939.
1By March Franco had taken Madrid and ended the Spanish Civil War.
2During the Spanish Civil War he delivered buttermilk in the West End.
3He was also married and off to cover the Spanish Civil War.
4The Spanish Civil War started 78 years ago on Thursday evening.
5In Spain during the Spanish civil war truth went topsy-turvy and did somersaults.
6During the Spanish Civil War truth went topsy-turvy and did somersaults.
7The climax of the 1930's was undoubtedly the Spanish Civil War.
8Such tasks hardly influenced the outcome of the Spanish Civil War.
9She lived through both world wars and the Spanish Civil War.
10The Marxist POUM militia in the Spanish Civil War, early twentieth.
11Tells about his brief sojourn at the front in the Spanish Civil War.
12Rick, the hero, has fought for the republicans in the Spanish civil war.
13The Spanish Civil War is a prime example of the truth of this dictum.
14FICTION: Among history's many confusions, none is as chaotic as the Spanish Civil War.
15Quotes Dwight Eisenhower & then George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish Civil War.
16David had lost a leg in the Spanish Civil War.
Translations for the spanish civil war