1Everyone accepts that Luigi Pirandello's 1921 play is a seminal theatrical work.
2Director and designer of new theatrical work 'Death and the Dreamlife of Elephants'.
3Everyone at the studio knew how badly Laurel wanted to break into theatrical work and leave commercials behind.
4Co-creators of new theatrical work 'The Steel Ballerina', looking at the life and times of Dame Margot Fonteyn.
5Swedish born, Amsterdam-based playwright Jakob Ahlbom is bringing his theatrical work Horror to the Auckland Arts Festival in March.
6Others among his admirers, while not wishing to diminish his novels, think of his theatrical work as his distinctive strength.
7This is not surprising as The Patience Stone, winner of the 2008 Prix Goncourt, is an urgent, heavily theatrical work.
8It is a story of a master of his craft, a great genius in his final theatrical work and creative process.
9A very delightful short visit to my friend at Ardgillan preceded my resuming my theatrical work at Liverpool, whence I wrote her the following letter:
10Also, we predict, the weather from July 17th to 29th will be warm, the theatrical work wild, and the wisitors wowed.
11They shook Athens with their discourses, as their theatrical works shook the theatre itself.
12I have done so frequently in spirit, as I prize your theatrical works beyond others.
13I have done so often in spirit, as I prize your theatrical works beyond others.
14I worked for the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, helping to devise games, sports leagues, theatrical works.
15Developing theatrical works that deal with LGBT characters or experiences from a New Zealand perspective, the Legacy Project, with founder Bruce Brown.
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Translations for theatrical work