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Significados de therapeutic alliance em inglês
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Uso de therapeutic alliance em inglês
Good communication during consent contributed to trust and therapeuticalliance with physicians following BMT.
These findings introduce a putatively key brain-behavioral mechanism for therapeuticalliance and psychosocial analgesia.
Regression analyses were used to determine interactive effects of race, psychosis severity, and therapeuticalliance variables.
A robust therapeuticalliance was strongly associated with patient engagement in the weight management programme indicated by number of appointments.
Use of the WAI-SR indicated that the strength of therapeuticalliance varied between different patient-GP relationships in this pilot intervention.
We have provided a psychological support by moving on site three times a week to help establish a good therapeuticalliance.
Therefore, a close therapeuticalliance between the patient and the psychiatrist must underpin all attempts to increase the acceptability of treatment.
The measurement of therapeuticalliance using the WAI-SR may predict patient attendance and outcomes in obesity interventions in primary healthcare settings.
This cross-sectional study of a weight management programme in general practice aimed to determine if therapeuticalliance was associated with patient outcomes.
Logistic regression modeled adherence as a function of perceived barriers, including cost burden, access, binge drinking, poor therapeuticalliance, and medication beliefs.
Scores on the subscale assessing general items were significantly correlated with indices of the therapeuticalliance and predictive of durations of cocaine abstinence achieved.
Therapeuticalliance is a well-recognized predictor of patient outcomes within psychological therapy.
Therapeuticalliance and therapy fidelity were acceptable.
Therapeuticalliance with the therapist was high in both conditions, with I-FS-CBT being slightly but significantly higher than G-FS-CBT.