Dynamic light scattering measurements was done to study the changes in hydrodynamic radius during thermalinactivation.
Arrhenius plot for thermalinactivation rate constant showed biphasic appearance related to before and after 45°C temperature.
The number of conformational locks and inter-subunit amino acid residues of BCA were obtained by thermalinactivation analysis.
The thermalinactivation curves were plotted in temperatures ranging between 40-70°C.
The thermalinactivation curves were plotted in temperature interval from 30 to 50 °C.
Based on the kinetics of thermalinactivation and the known effects of glycerol on protein structure, a mechanism of pressure-induced thermostabilization is proposed.
Neither thermalinactivation nor DCNP inhibition studies indicated a possible relationship between TL PST activity and E1 or E2 sulfation.
In the present study, we demonstrate that treatment of virions with low-dose formaldehyde prior to thermalinactivation retains the association of viral envelope with virions.
Methods and results: For thermalinactivation, TV was exposed to 37°C for 2 h, and 56, 63 and 72°C for 30 min.
Thermalinactivation studies showed that human liver E2 ST and TS PST had very similar thermal stabilities.