A joke that seems extremely funny.
Examples for "scream"
Examples for "scream"
1A second scream came, piteous, all hope gone, choking sobs followed it.
2I want to hear him scream, he said, looking at me, deadpan.
3Hours would I kneel in the dark, repeating in a whispered scream:
4She wanted to rail and scream at the unfairness of the situation.
5For the second time that day, Jessy wanted to scream in frustration.
1Several people were stabbed before French riot police restored order, officials said.
2Police riot squads were used and several mounted police charges were made.
3Don't start no riot.' That ain't really what he want to say.
4Military personnel, riot police and water cannon have arrived at the scene.
5Twelve civilians and four soldiers died in the riot; scores were injured.
1It will come full of new features and attempts to wow consumers.
2This has been my week: Oh, wow: I should write about that.
3And I remember floating there and thinking, wow, that was really beautiful.
4Richard Li's financial alchemy fails to wow Imagine China chooses all-out disobedience.
5If the player does nothing wrong but it's still possible -wow!
1I've seen 'em scuttle right up a hork tree after a howler.
2The calamity howler is found in the midst of peace and plenty.
3If they just went ahead as planned, would anyone notice their howler?
4It is the mycetes, or ursine howler-thelargest monkey of South America.
5It was a howler, probably the Mycetes stramineus of Geoffroy St. Hilaire.
1Is this one okay? Lisa's smile quickly became a convulsive belly laugh.
2The line induces a four-way belly laugh, and they are some bellies.
3She is like therapy, art and a big belly laugh in one.
4The 16th seed saw little to belly laugh about in that four-set run.
5This was a rumbling belly laugh, like a peal of thunder.
1A sidesplitter, right off your head. Again, Slidell turned to me.
1That is one thigh-slapper of a show.
2I only came to the National Ploughing Championships to see the Austrian thigh-slappers.
3A relic of coming up in the era she did, when it might have been expected she offer thigh-slappers about a visually distinctive body?
4"Not real thigh-slappers like Gerald Fitzgerald."
5"That would be... complicated, but quite manageable." This thigh-slapper came straight from my firm's equivalent of a cunning marketing script.