Geological unit of time; one thousand years.
1That was two thousand years ago in a forest in northern Europe.
2Ten thousand years ago, our ancestors made civilization possible by creating agriculture.
3Who knew what form mancery might have taken, seven thousand years ago?
4It's perfectly logical; you talk like somebody living a thousand years ago.
5You probably would have said that about America a thousand years ago.
6The term was coined by vegetable smugglers, over eight thousand years ago.
7Ten thousand years ago, humans had fought a war against Forerunners-andlost.
8Two and a half thousand years ago, Greece shaped the western mind.
9Fifty- thousand years ago, we all descended from Africans who left the continent.
10We began our space exploration slightly more than two thousand years ago.
11That we're artificial lifeforms from their own planet six thousand years ago?
12There were people doing what I'm doing now a thousand years ago.
13From there, the river looks like it did a thousand years ago.
14Rob imagined the man who had made it twelve thousand years ago.
15The Mound-Builders lived in the Mississippi Valley about a thousand years ago.
16The water laves the shore as it did a thousand years ago.
Translations for thousand years ago