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Uso de threatens thousands em inglês
The slump threatensthousands of tourism jobs, a loss Jordan can ill afford.
Butchers and cattle traders, many of them Muslim, say the push threatensthousands of jobs.
Coastal erosion threatensthousands of kilometers of coast from Mauritania to Gabon in West Africa, home to about 105 million people.
Bosasa's liquidation threatensthousands of jobs Things have gone haywire after both ABSA and FNB forced the closure of Bosasa's bank accounts on Monday.
And at a micro level a trade dispute between Boeing and Bombardier threatensthousands of jobs at the Canadian planemaker' s plant in Northern Ireland.
Leaders expressed solidarity with Iceland, particularly hard hit by a financial meltdown that threatensthousands of European savers, and urged support from the international community.