Ainda não temos significados para "tight braid".
1She checked her tight braid and flicked her clear inner lid into place.
2Juliet was twining her hair in a tight braid.
3Jewel put up a quick hand to the short tight braid which ended behind her ear.
4The woman held her helm under one arm, her long snow-white hair pulled back in a single tight braid.
5She was nearly a foot taller than Billy, and had bound her blond hair back into a tight braid.
6She was dressed in a plain tunic and leggings and her dark hair was bound in a tight braid.
7It was in his usual tight braid, curling down his back to be lost in the blackness of his jeans.
8His long hair, two shades a paler gold than hers, was pulled into a tight braid, emphasizing the ice-blue eyes.
9Her rich brown hair had been pulled back into a tight braid and coiled at the base of her neck.
10A head leans out the window of the first car, where the controls are-it'sCara, her hair in a tight braid.
11Lasciel appeared between me and the table, in her usual white tunic, her red hair pulled back into a tight braid.
12His sunny hair was bound back into a tight braid that fell past his waist, and his feline, cat-slitted amber eyes were piercing.
13His hair was in some kind of tight braid, so that it looked like his auburn hair was cut nice and standard short.
14Sam turned around slowly to face the delicate Chinese woman whose long black hair was secured into a tight braid down her back.
15The nobleman's face was deeply lined; his thick gray hair was long enough to fall between his shoulder blades, secured in a tight braid.
16Nour, her hair in tight braids with red clasps, emerges from the lift.
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Tight braid nas variantes da língua
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