Someone who makes or repairs tinware.
1Any tinner can make one in a few minutes, at a trifling cost.
2He was a tinner by trade, and carried on a large manufacturing establishment.
3He turned again to the tinner and said with condescending grimness: I shall take your arm.
4He found the young tinner up there, alone and brooding, and entered into conversation with him.
5Then he sent me to the tinner's to see if the tin was ready at last.
6I'd rather drive nails or superintend a tinner.
7He had giant tinner snips in one hand and a chunk of airplane in the other.
8At last it began to leak, and a tinner sent a man around to find the hole.
9Wally gave a thumbs-up, then marched out of the barn with his handsaw and giant tinner snips.
10A drier for footwear can be readily made by a tinner, or anyone that can shape tin and solder.
11He's a young journeyman tinner who was getting along all right till he fell sick and lost his job.
12Allen came strolling by where the pair were sitting; stopped, and said to the tinner;
13But presently they fell to dropping remarks that were evidently aimed at Tracy, and some of them at the tinner.
14June, 1888, in Terri, Italy, a tinner was killed on the roof of a building on touching an alternating-current circuit.
16O'Reilly felt a pair of reins thrust into his hand and found Hilario examining a large pair of tinner's shears.