To be in the proccess of dying, to face the foreseeable and inevitable end ones life usually due to sickness.
Examples for "moribund"
Examples for "moribund"
1Yet a moribund real estate market means the company's outlook remains uncertain.
2Block deals may help league table credit, especially when business is moribund.
3Given the need to rejuvenate a moribund, oil-dependent economy, that's not ideal.
4Control the moribund local machinery, it seems, and power will be yours.
5Stockholm's move reflects growing international exasperation over the moribund Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
1The camp was half hidden, and the fires there must be dying.
2The scare of a few weeks back seemed to be dying down.
3She might be dying-deadfor aught I knew-whenhe reached the house.
4He seemed to be dying on his feet, when the master whistled.
5The man may be dying of want, and you slip past afraid.
1Later, he was found lying upon the pavement in a dying condition.
2Four days afterwards the dog crept out in a dying condition.
3The Governor, Sir James Craig, in a dying condition, relinquished office.
4He was carried back to the town by his soldiers, in a dying condition.
5He was badly wounded in the left breast, and was apparently in a dying condition.
1Remember me when you lie dying-inblood and pain.
2You come to me again when I lie dying.
3As you lie dying, think of Lopez, whom you shot five years ago on the Putomayo River.
4Now that I lie dying many sayings concerning you come into my mind that I had forgotten.
5The last thought of my brain as I lie dying will be that of sunshine upon an English meadow.
1He responded to being in extremis with all the equanimity of a drowning man.