Without success, without the desired effect.
Examples for "vainly"
Examples for "vainly"
1The princess and myself have vainly searched the key to the enigma.
2The wretches plunged into the waters, and struggled vainly against the current.
3He looked vainly for the two persons in whom he was interested.
4The guards vainly endeavoured to appease the, in many cases, half-frenzied creatures.
5The Politician who was rotten-egged after vainly trying to control a meeting
1The RNC calls for nothing less than a sea change in attitudes.
2To get something for nothing is the fundamental immorality in the world.
3Yes, even if the intern says they're happy to work for nothing.
4He has seen such horrors today that my tears count for nothing.
5Make them understand that-thatyou are perfectly willing to work for nothing.
1I coaxed; I threatened; I persuaded; but it was all in vain.
2They organize in vain; they protest in vain; they appeal in vain.
3Mark inquired; Lord Minchampstead inquired; great personages inquired; but all in vain.
4Her aunt scolded in vain; in spite of the remarks of Mlle.
5The room was empty; she searched him in all niches in vain.
1I spent year after year trying to appease them, to no avail.
2I've asked Google to fix this issue many times, to no avail.
3The exchange has long sought to lure technology businesses to no avail.
4Vincavec had Called to the Mammoth Spirit several times to no avail.
5I'd tried that several times in the last weeks, to no avail.
1But to no purpose; months passed and he had been almost forgotten.
2The king spoke with them in many ways, but to no purpose.
3Von Bloom tried bleeding, and various other remedies; but to no purpose.
4Mr Adams prayed, and Mrs Slipslop scolded; but all to no purpose.
5But all to no purpose; they did not, could not bring forgetfulness.
6My fingertips went over and over the wires, but to no purpose.
7Thus I travelled, backwards and forwards, four hundred miles to no purpose.
8The servants have all been examined over and over to no purpose.
9He was hurt and it would just pain him to no purpose.
10Polly proposes it-hasproposed it once or twice before to no purpose.
11It was all to no purpose, the money could not be found.
12They filled the air with arrows and spears, but to no purpose.
13The common means we have already tried, and tried to no purpose.
14I argued with him to the very utmost, but to no purpose.
15Cowse offered to acquit him of the debt, but to no purpose.
16It was to no purpose that arrests were made, and punishments threatened.