Ainda não temos significados para "took by storm".
1The town of Torone he attacked and took by storm.
2The cathedral city of Würzburg he took by storm.
3A captain, killing all before him, took by storm the house of the Grand Balcon.
4What they took they took by storm.
5Megara, which he took by storm, he demolished and plundered, in order to terrify the rest, but particularly the Syracusans.
6On September 21 also the Russian troops took by storm the fortifications of Jaroslav, on the river San, and captured many guns.
7They slew us with the Muslims when their armies took by storm the Holy Places, and enslaved the remnant of us in a cruel slavery.
8Next he took by storm Lappa, in spite of Octavius's occupancy, and did the latter no harm, but put to death the Cilicians, his followers.
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