Characterized by intense emotion.
Examples for "burning"
Examples for "burning"
1Some companies ended up burning it illegally, causing environmental and health problems.
2A case in point: that Park Creek fire burning outside of Lincoln.
3Major bushfires are burning across the Australian state of New South Wales.
4An obvious but rarely asked question is: whose cash is Uber burning?
5It's burning fossil fuels that's causing the global crisis of Climate Change.
1The comments stood in contrast to his fiery rhetoric in previous days.
2The amendment was put to vote, after a fiery debate, and lost.
3Three men once sang in the midst of the burning fiery furnace.
4The stallion was restless and fiery-eyed; the bull sent forth a bellow.
5The mist of fiery opal swirled up about the Three; hid them.
1In solitude, in a remote village, the ardent youth loiters and mourns.
2They became ardent friends, in the most emphatic meaning of the term.
3General Poe was an ardent patriot both before and during the Revolution.
4You're needed. Winning over Sanders' most ardent supporters will not be easy.
5With the romantic period of Spanish history Irving was in ardent sympathy.
1Be therefore patient in tribulations, fervent in prayer, and fearless in labor.
2The question is if their support will be as fervent in 2012.
3And I told her, in the most fervent manner in my power.
4In the gush of morning sunlight, and the fervent glance of love.
5A fervent appeal the Presidente made to prevent the spread of smallpox.
1Her new novel, Flight Behaviour, is an impassioned story about climate change.
2She made an impassioned plea for New Zealand to accept more refugees.
3Parties on both sides of the ballot have carried out impassioned campaigns.
4Such is the pedagogy of patriarchy-itsvictims become its most impassioned teachers.
5There was not the slightest trace of feebleness in his impassioned tones.
1In the torrent of fervid conceptions, I lost sight of my purpose.
2He lived in days calculated to chill the most fervid religious enthusiasm.
3Not that the lesson would check the fervid flow of real desire.
4In these fervid and fecund waters life is real, life is earnest.
5She was returning the fervid pressure of his fingers, warm and electric.
1He admired, he adored it, he boasted joyously of its perfervid charm.
2The perfervid woman was by this time half in love with a vision.
3The last lines of this perfervid article, give an instructive clue.
4Simpson, his brain drugged, his senses perfervid marched on in exultation.
5For lurid and perfervid language commend me to the Australian Tommy.
1South Africa have had a torrid time on their tour to India.
2After such a torrid week, Unsworth cannot now be expecting a call.
3In South Carolina early April is torrid, flies and mosquitoes are rampant.
4Luckily the excellent concert more than made up for the torrid journey.
5But it was a curious, torrid peace, like the hush before thunder.
6Only Giulio Romano burned with a torrid sensual splendour all his own.
7Louisiana is once again in the crosshairs after a torrid storm season.
8The desert flamed again, dry, lifeless, torrid beneath a sky of turquoise.
9Meanwhile, British citizens in Moscow can expect a torrid few days and months.
10It has been a torrid period for those responsible for Britain's national security.
11The sidas and the melochias have singularly active properties in the torrid zone.
12Bath simply refused to be buffetted at the end of a torrid week.
13Johnson continued a torrid month with a point in his 12th consecutive game.
14A torrid year for Tesco was no better for its ailing Irish outpost.
15From its fore end drooped in the torrid air the flag of Mexico.
16The 'torrid affair' is revisited in the new series of Netflix's The Crown.
Torrid nas variantes da língua
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