Ainda não temos significados para "touching sweetness".
1To the proud face came an expression of deep solemnity and touching sweetness.
2Wild and hurried as they were, never did tones of more touching sweetness fall from any lips.
3General Morris has recently published some songs, which have all the grace, melody, and touching sweetness of his earlier lays.
4Sophy looked at him now with candid, inexpressible, guileless affection in those swimming eyes, and said with touching sweetness: Ungrateful!
5One misses the grand gestures of Take Shelter and Shotgun Stories, but Mud has a touching sweetness not present in the earlier films .
6He introduced into the lyric poetry of Italy the pathos and the touching sweetness of Ovid and Tibullus, as well as the simplicity of Anacreon.
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