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Significados de trabecular thickness em inglês
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Uso de trabecular thickness em inglês
Protein malnutrition induced decreases in relative bone volume and trabecularthickness, which was prevented by pamidronate.
Micro computerized tomography (micro-CT) demonstrated increased vertebral trabecular bone volume, connectivity density and trabecularthickness.
No significant differences were seen for trabecularthickness, trabecular separation, bone volume fraction, and static and dynamic histomorphometric parameters.
After adjusting for aBMD, radius Tb distribution and tibia (Tb)vBMD and trabecularthickness still remained associated with fractures.
The bone volume to tissue volume ratio values generally reflected corresponding values for both mean trabecularthickness and mean trabecular number.
At day 20, raloxifene and estrogen treatment led to a significant increase in callus mineralization and trabecularthickness compared to control mice.
Conclusions: Higher bone volume, trabecularthickness, and a more plate-like structure were observed in the medial tibial plateau than in the lateral.
KO mice receiving netazepide exhibited significantly higher cortical thickness, cortical area fraction, trabecularthickness and trabecular BMD by micro-CT compared with the control group.