Ainda não temos significados para "trample hoofs".
1But then, through the white, whirling smoke, sounded the thunder of trampling hoofs.
2Men, dismounted and wounded, were crawling away from the threat of the trampling hoofs.
3Now, from the distance, came the sound of trampling hoofs.
4The house was surrounded by trampling hoofs, and clattering sabres.
5Nevertheless, he moved his horse, whose trampling hoofs beat out the last fallen spark.
6Over me, as I lay, swept a whirlwind of trampling hoofs and glancing horns.
7Slowly, as the blaring horns and trampling hoofs drew nearer, the three rose to their feet.
8A sound of trampling hoofs drowns their cries.
9He also, again and again, snatched up little children from under the trampling hoofs of frightened horses.
10We get closer and closer to the buffaloes, when a loud thundering of trampling hoofs sounds behind us.
11Against the far horizon they could make out a faint yellow haze-dustfrom the trampling hoofs of many cattle.
12Hardly had the words passed his lips when the wagon shook; there was a sound of breaking reims and trampling hoofs.
13They were proceeding on their way more cautiously than before, when from ahead there suddenly came the sound of trampling hoofs.
14Padraig, holding to his master's arm, guided him out of the gate and toward the sound of trampling hoofs upon a little hillock.
15She could hear the swish of a quirt falling again and again, and the sound of trampling hoofs thudding on the hard, sun-cracked ground.
16He moved forward at length through the magic moonlight, guided by the sound of trampling hoofs in the building where Jack's horse was stabled.