Here he found a trave which had been broken; he took a saw and plane, and mended it.
The Trave, which flows between Travemünde and Lubeck, has to be crossed by boat.
Trave investigates the murder of the niece of a diamond merchant known for rescuing Jews from Nazi-occupied Belgium.
The steamship Trave of the North German Lloyd docked at its Hoboken pier at eight o'clock one morning in December.
The day was clear and cold, the low hills around Lübeck were covered with snow, and the Trave was already frozen over.
He says he has already finished his next novel, featuring the same detective as in his latest book, Detective Inspector William Trave.
On the other side of the Trave were to be seen, amid houses and clumps of trees, vessels in various stages of building.
One could almost lose one's self in the labyrinths of rafters, squares, traverse beams, superposed joists, traves, architraves, girders, madriers, and tangled lines and curves.
Expenses for removal of baggage to the river-side and journey down the river Trave to steam-boat at Travemunde, £0, 7s, 0d