I came to a thick treelike stone column and stopped.
The tendrils of a treelike plant suddenly drooped, like snakes lowering themselves to the ground.
Evolution in non-varying populations might be treelike and genealogical, but such a process could not be Darwinian.
Its towering interior is dominated by a tall, treelike core, criss-crossed by bridges and movable mechanical parts.
He lounged in his chair, treelike legs across his desk, to show Velma the bottoms of his shoes.
In this place, the woods went on farther, the trees becoming cruder and less treelike the farther you went.
Upon their borders grew small treelike shrubs, such as are seen in the hot countries on our own inhabited globe.
From the transformed plaza, covered with feathery treelike fans, to the waterfront, there was nothing more than twenty feet tall.
The facade is supported by a ring of 14 treelike columns and specialised glass material to create light while reducing heat.
If the idea of a hut dictated the big, treelike timbers, the timbers in turn dictated the building's system of construction.
The coral grew in branching, treelike shapes in a variety of sizes-someonly knee-highand others towering twenty or thirty feet.
We present and numerically test an analysis of the percolation transition for general node removal strategies valid for locally treelike directed networks.
A tall treelike plant sighed and appeared to bend toward them, raising its tendrils as if beckoning to them, calling them back.
Barbrook et al.'s use of phylogenetic methods that do not assume a treelike structure may be more appropriate for certain cultural data sets.
The rest of the leaves formed an overlapping mosaic, with lines drawn from one to the next, diagramming a treelike system of connections.
Oily black fungus grew in gnarled, vaguely treelike masses, and thick rivulets of vile dark syrup oozed from puckered pustules on the trunks.