Ainda não temos significados para "true werewolf".
1A true werewolf shyfts forme from human to wolf and back agayn.
2A true werewolf han it in his wolf nature to desyre a packe.
3A true werewolf is one of the moste mysteryes and cursed creatyres of darkness.
4A true werewolf can be killed only by destroying his or her brayn or herte.
5The true werewolf is fashyned in these maneres:
6If a man or womman be borne to a true werewolf, they han the tainted blood.
7A true werewolf heels swiftly when wounded.
8A true werewolf ne dooth grow old.
9If a man or womman be byten by a true werewolf and lyve, they han the tainted blood.
10But I knew they'd heard; Sam heard everything, and he was by no means as powerful as a true werewolf.
11It is muche haarder with true werewolfs.
12"He's not a true werewolf," Ralph said, shaking his head.
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