Ainda não temos significados para "trying feebly".
1Cherry perceived one woman, who was trying feebly to gather and eat some green herbs.
2And even when Jobs is berating his staff, or trying feebly to relate to his young daughter, he's extremely watchable.
3He had been trying feebly to return to his old interests, and speaking in his weak broken tones, about the future.
4Without realizing what was happening, Alice was trying feebly at first, but with growing determination, to get a new hold upon life.
5"You don't escape me now." For Philip was trying feebly to disengage his hands.
6"Sure." The Preacher transferred his attention to his ear, which he began pulling, speculatively, as if trying feebly to appear intelligent.
7"Caroline," she protested, trying feebly to free herself from the commanding hands and eyes of her companion, "are you quite mad?
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