Ainda não temos significados para "turn into ridicule".
1Be careful, my boy, I don't want the newspapers to get hold of anything that they could turn into ridicule.
2I can't sit by, sir, and hear them turned into ridicule.
3He had then, the defects of lisping and stammering which we, often turned into ridicule.
4I do not mean to let them be turned into ridicule by your prim, decorous swells.
5Honor and modesty were turned into ridicule.
6Who ever thinks of turning into ridicule our great and ardent hope of a world to come?
7Hereupon the people, full of indignation at finding this kind of punishment dishonoured and turned into ridicule, abolished it entirely.
8The peculiar dress and the broken language of little Nick excited laughter at once, and this soon turned into ridicule.
9This, and a thousand other such attempts, are totally unlike the original, which the writers imagined they were turning into ridicule.
10Little by little, therefore, the enthusiasm had cooled, and the wonderful narratives of Balboa were mentioned only to be turned into ridicule.
11Literature is taking a maturer form, many injurious prejudices have been rooted up and turned into ridicule....
12He was not willing to run the risk of hearing that which to him was a frightful reality turned into ridicule by scoffers and unbelievers.
13"That is not what M. Grivet meant to say," answered Camille, annoyed to see his chief turned into ridicule.