Being or serving as an illustration of a type;
Examples for "exemplary"
Examples for "exemplary"
1The world needs exemplary leaders and unfortunately there's a shortage of them.
2Elsewhere in the solar system, NASA's probes will continue their exemplary exploration.
3Thames Water's safety record is exemplary, but the dangers are ever present.
4His exemplary service to community, country and region did not go unnoticed.
5When the raid came, the children behaved in the most exemplary fashion.
1They were emblematic of the unsullied ideals of freedom, democracy, and fairness.
2The covers are emblematic, and the jackets are showy and in colors.
3Many saw it as emblematic of a climate of impunity in Romania.
4For since the Middle Ages the doctrine of emblematic colouring is extinct.
5The emblematic correspondence is striking, and the inference is obvious and beautiful.
1At the typic heavenly feast;
2Victor Hugo has given to this typic historical struggle of '93 the qualities of nobleness and beauty which art requires in dealing with real themes.
3Of the Typic of the Pure Practical Judgement.