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Significados de tyrannical government em inglês
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Uso de tyrannical government em inglês
There is no tyrannicalgovernment, no coercion, no contending nationalities here.
Here they live, in independent poverty, secure from the tyrannicalgovernment of Barbary.
But a tyrannicalgovernment can hinder your children from succeeding to your freedom of mind.
But, our history reminds us this is not the first time the people of Sāmoa have faced a tyrannicalgovernment.
Indeed, he felt quite as bitter towards the tyrannicalgovernment as ever, and there was awful bitterness in his heart.
Would that to this innate spirit of reverence were added the light of Knowledge, which a tyrannicalgovernment denies them!
They have persisted with a nuclear deterrent to scare off western forces from attempting to liberate North Koreans from their tyrannicalgovernment.
The Admiral was to lead the auxiliaries which were to be despatched across the frontier to overthrow the tyrannicalgovernment of Alva.
For more than five years past war had been in the land, the struggle for freedom against a blind and tyrannicalgovernment.
It many times occurred that Christian men found themselves placed under an unjust and tyrannicalgovernment, and compelled to pay unjust taxes.
Back in the 18th century, this was a revolutionary measure, crafted to protect the general population from tyrannicalgovernment (notably Britain).
But if you are thinking these are the actions of a terrorist group or a tyrannicalgovernment regime, you are only partially correct.
The analogy between a wild, ferocious beast, stamping upon or devouring everything within its reach, and a cruel, persecuting, tyrannicalgovernment is apparent.
Advancing into the country, I should, step by step, have proclaimed the abolition of slavery, and the annihilation of the tyrannicalgovernment of the pashas.
The authority of a tyrannicalGovernment was supported by the presence of a worthless army.
He said refugees and asylum seekers had fled tyrannicalgovernments to seek safety in South Africa.