Examples for "coil"
Examples for "coil"
1Sound waves are similar to the waves formed in the stretched coil.
2After the coil is completed in one slot allow about 2 in.
3Phantom data were collected by means of different positioning of the coil.
4Instead, you want to loop the power cable with its natural coil.
5The repeating coil is indicated symbolically in the two diagrams of Fig.
1For the third time, I began to coil and uncoil her hair:
2His pigtail came unfastened and began to uncoil, slowly, like a snake.
3She peered through the dimness and felt something in her stomach uncoil.
4She felt the tension uncoil within him, saw his shoulders ease.
5Some uncoil the shell, and seem to be returning toward the primitive type.
6Diane blushed, but put up a hand and began to uncoil the tresses.
7Segundo watched the cable uncoil as it flew toward the ship.
8He seemed to uncoil himself from his throne as he rose.
9You are causing me distress. I tried again to uncoil him.
10Ivanr felt the knotted tension of battle uncoil in his stomach.
11Under certain conditions, the methyl markers flag a gene, and the section will uncoil.
12Then the dragon would uncoil and again trail its way over the red waste-lands.
13She saw the man uncoil his lash and step forward.
14He always seemed at his ease, but he could uncoil faster than a whip.
15To stretch muscles that had stiffened, to uncoil limbs that had become uncomfortably cramped.
16I reached down and tried to uncoil him, but he clenched even more tightly.
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