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Significados de undermine the ability em inglês
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Uso de undermine the ability em inglês
Argentina also argues it could underminetheability of other governments to restructure debt in the future.
Finally, Argentina argues it could underminetheability of other governments to restructure debt in the future.
Falling public spending will underminetheability of public services to deal with social crises, a think tank has warned.
In ancient Greece, Socrates cautioned that writing would underminetheability of children and then adults to commit things to memory.
The company accused Charney of orchestrating protests at the headquarters and said he could underminetheability to hire staff and executives.
We are really running out and it underminestheability to identify true cases.
The corrosive effect underminestheability of corals, crabs or lobsters to build protective shells.
Planning decisions need to be processed more quickly without underminingtheability of people to raise their concerns.
A sustained military crackdown that significantly underminedtheability of militants to launch attacks would give markets a long-term boost.
Moreover, his characterisation of the removal of life support risks underminingtheability of patients to control their medical care.
There are also studies where we've given people alcohol, and found that it underminestheability of the mind to control itself.
Acidification underminestheability of everything from corals to crabs to build protective shells and has knock-on effects on the food web.
The decrease in the density of active Irish speakers in the Gaeltacht has underminedtheability of the community to regenerate itself.
But Saed calls it a false argument, one that excuses the occupation and underminestheability of Palestinians to develop their own economy.
Prevent's alienating effect in turn underminestheability of law enforcement officials to elicit the cooperation of Muslim communities for countering future terrorist attacks.