Ainda não temos significados para "unique lifestyle".
1Seventh-day Adventists have been noted for their unique lifestyle, religious practices and longevity.
2I don't doubt that Cara's shouldered adult responsibilities, given her father's unique lifestyle and job.
3Over time, the British 'Travellers' have appeared in headlines across the world for their unique lifestyle.
4In my coaching practice, I help people to achieve their best health by leveraging their unique lifestyle habits and choices.
5Summer is here and that means plenty of excuses to get outside, be active and generally enjoy the unique lifestyle our country offers.
6By not having a fixed address, which she acknowledges is a unique lifestyle situation, she is able to have more control on her expenses.
7Ms Neal said her on-the-road job brought in about $65,000 a year, which she said was more than enough to facilitate her unique lifestyle.
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