Generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services.
1Most large exchanges of currency are performed using Elmonits (Electronic Monits), the Imperial standard unit of money.
2The legal unit of money is the silver rouble of 100 kopecks of the value of 2s.
3No reason has been or can be given why the value of the unit of money is not subject to this law.
4Its object, among others, is to agree, if possible, on a common unit of money, for the use of the civilized world.
5This subtle enlargement in the measuring power of the unit of money (the dollar) affects every class of the working community.
6In Alexandrian accounts also the unit of money was the silver didrachm, and thus double that in use among the merchants of Greece.
7In fixing the Unit of Money, these circumstances are of principal importance.
8It is the total number of units of money in circulation (actual or potential) in any country.
Translations for unit of money