The unnamednarrator and his friend, Wolfgang, are looking at sculptures in the Zurich Museum.
Fight Club's unnamednarrator rattles off mass-market brand names and muses about corporations colonizing the galaxy.
It is unclear whether Sarah has died or dumped the unnamednarrator, who descends into despair.
After flying back from a prison riot in Texas, the unnamednarrator argues with his partner.
The unnamednarrator of Megan Hunter's debut, The End We Start From, is married, pregnant and happy.
The unnamednarrator is twenty years old when she and her new husband move into a basement apartment in Vancouver.
It features only the unnamednarrator and his friend Mister Mortimer (played by George Harris in the first movie).
The unnamednarrator describes the limbo bar festooned with streamers, tuna on shish kebab and roast pig, and Polynesian slide guitar.
As the action begins, the unnamednarrator is taking refuge in his personal sanctuary, a famous old local cafe, named simply Coffee House.
The unnamednarrator of this engrossing debut novel is also waiting -for change, for something to happen, for her adult life to begin.
The novel's unnamednarrator wants his son Nigel to undergo "demelanization," a costly medical procedure that erases any vestige of physical blackness.
Early in Molly Fox's Birthday the unnamednarrator, who is a playwright, contrasts her own art with that of her friend Molly, an actor.
But its unnamednarrator, played by Brendan Coyle, will bestow a gift on us: a moral fable that he hopes will bring us some transcendence.
She went all out playing Marla Singer, the chain-smoking love interest, who shares the shame penchant for infiltrating support groups as Edward Norton's unnamednarrator.