His own enrolled unrhythmical bardic troops (humorous mercenaries when Celts) do his trumpeting best, and offend not the Pierides.
His wing-covers are nevertheless in rapid motion, but are no longer sounding, or at most emit but an unrhythmical rubbing sound.
He must recognize unrhythmical, uncadenced, disjointed, and ejaculatory prose dialogue, with scarcely a lyrical moment in it, as a fit vehicle for music.
Unrhythmical singing could not always hold its own; and when polyphonic music came into public favor, secular airs gradually found their way into the choirs.
Uso de unrhythmic em inglês
Constrictions, inharmonious and unrhythmic jerks are always out of place in any exercise.
Even my own decidedly unrhythmic headnods seemed to sync magically to Lewis Taylor.
They had that unrhythmic frequency which suggested that they were responses to a speech.
We then speak of it as unrhythmic.
So the terms rhythmic and unrhythmic are purely conventional, as also are harmony and discord, which have no actual existence.
Rhythmic movements accomplish ten times more than unrhythmic ones, even if unrhythmic movements do not produce unhealthy and abnormal results.
A dozen warriors naked to the waist and hideously painted were singing a war song, while they capered and jumped to its unrhythmic tune.
It was settled, nose first, into the crook of a downed cypress log and the current lightly rocked its stern in an unrhythmic way.