Not dispatched or transmitted.
1Nor still another unsent form, perhaps more characteristic than either of the foregoing.
2Inside this metal box, loose pages from a journal, or are they unsent letters?
3Karim went to the space that held drafts of unsent messages, and there it was:
4Leaving a route unsent due to inadequate funding sucks.
5I pictured my outdoor bouldering projects in minute detail, and thought about gym problems left unsent.
6Even the unsent ones are very much present.
7The inner office was empty, but a note lay on the desk, folded and addressed but unsent:
8They cannot come to us unsent.
9It comes with illustrations, including Kirk's Starfleet Academy class graduation photo and an unsent letter he penned to his son.
10Especially the unsent ones.
11There's nothing unsent, and as they now know, all old correspondence on Debbie's Blue Umbrella goes straight to data heaven.
12Ye're aye saying them that come unsent for should sit unserved; but wha sent for this billy oot o' France?
13All the right letters sitting on desks and dressers, slipped into purses, abandoned in email Draft folders, forever sealed and unsent.
14They have a turn or two to take-wehave a few minutes yet-Eleanor ,bestgifts come unasked: perhaps, also, they go unsent.
15Coyne's camp will this weekend take legal advice over unsent and late ballot papers and what they see as a flawed electoral process.
16During a video chat on September 25, Randall described their still-unsent undertaking dubbed the Crucifix, in the White Rim area of Canyonlands, Utah.