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Significados de unswerving faith em inglês
Ainda não temos significados para "unswerving faith".
Uso de unswerving faith em inglês
You'll never know how many times your unswervingfaith helped me through the rough patches.
And so, for this unswervingfaith of the Rev.
One evidence of her unswervingfaith in the national credit is seen by her holdings in U.S. registered bonds.
The New Yorkers believe in Fifth Avenue with an unswervingfaith; and Fifth Avenue is calculated to inspire a faith.
Mark Johnston's unswervingfaith in Double Trigger was richly rewarded when his stable sharp-shooter rediscovered his marksmanship at Goodwood yesterday.
With his beloved Patsy by his side, he bravely accepted it, and his unswervingfaith helped him face the crisis.
That he became a minister, as did his brothers, by reason of the unswervingfaith and prayer of the parents, is already well known.